Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bad habits

When I was a wee lad of the age of 5-10ish I used to have a nasty habit of sucking my index finger while plucking and sniffing pieces of wool from a blanket I used to cover myself with.

Now as you can imagine it was quite a concern for my parents (though I do not quite know why) and they wanted me to stop, initially they tried painting my finger with some bad tasting unguent but I kept sucking on, next they took away my blanket but I just kept sucking on, it seemed nothing they did really worked... until one day my mother came up with the genius idea of telling me that if I kept sucking at this rate the little knob on my finger will roll all the way round to the bottom and I will be unable to move it for the rest of my life.

Fuck I thought, maybe it is time to stop sucking, and just like that I stopped. To this day I do not know if that story was a lie or not, and I am still terrified of sucking my finger. Judging from the looks of These people It's probably best that I stopped. *shudders*

Parental lies are a common tool for telling your children what's good for them but at what cost ? For example today I know that my grandfather did not discover boiled potatoes, that finishing my plate wont help starving kids (it'll make it worse by driving up demand), that a witch doesn't live in mansourieh where my Mom can leave us if we aren't good, that a honeymoon does not actually take place on the moon... I can only wonder how many other things I think I know are true but are not, to be sure it did give ample opportunity for the other kids to make fun of me on the playground.



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